In touch with GOD,
In tune with the community,
In tandem with the membership,
In HOPE of eternity.
The Hope Church of Christ is a Christ centered church congregation that is dedicated to the great commission of Jesus Christ – “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) – and to save souls and keep souls saved.
Hope Church of Christ seeks to be governed and controlled by the word of God and the Spirit of God. We seek to minister to not only our immediate congregants but also to a vast and diverse global community around us.
Hope Church of Christ will neither be regulated nor limited by
Hope intends to use all of its resources, both tangible and intangible, for the up-building of the Kingdom and for the transformation of the society around us.
We will engage each Christian and his/her sundry spiritual gifts to employ individuals in ministry.
We will invest our time in the works and projects that will encourage, edify and save, to the Glory, Honor and praise of God.
We will invest our treasure that we sow to the end of accomplishing any spiritual and scripturally driven tasks.
Hope is dependent upon biblical, spiritual leadership that is predicated on the scriptural models of I Timothy 4:1-5, I Timothy 3:1-13, and Titus 1:4-9.
We recognize and acknowledge that Christ is the Head of the church (Ephesians 1: 22-23)
The Evangelist is the primary spiritual leader in the Church
That Elders/ Bishops are appointed by and support the ministry of the evangelist
That Deacons support and assist in all aspects of the work of the church
The mission of Hope Church of Christ is to minister and serve the whole man. We have formulated and will expand upon core ministries that impact the mind soul and body of all men. Our ministries are geared to meet the needs of people wherever they are while guiding them to the Hope of eternal life.
Gaining: Through our evangelistic thrust by casting the net of the gospel in word, ministry and worship all ministries have a reach for the lost.
Grounding: Every member will be challenged to grow in knowledge and empowering grace to develop an intimacy with God and a love for service.
Growing: in love, fellowship and membership. As God give increase we will expand the boarders of the Kingdom to heights unknown.
Glorifying: Through us and not about us. All things done in worship and work is to glorify Him, who is worthy to be praised. God is central in everything.